"The five precepts are the essence of Usui’s teachings. It is only when we practice the five precepts that we really understand Reiki."
- Hyakuten Inamoto

Mikao Usui’s teachings show us that most of our physical and mental imbalances stem from our failure to observe five fundamental principles. These are often referred to as the five Reiki Precepts, or gokai in Japanese. Eastern philosophies assert that the deep-rooted nature of our suffering occurs because we haven’t recognised its true cause. Reactions such as anger, avoidance, aggression, desire, emotional attachments and dark mental states can pave the way for energetic imbalances, disharmony, discomfort and illness.
Reiki is not only a means by which to assist the physical body, but also to clear our energetic and mental bodies of stored disharmony. The ultimate goal of Reiki is an awakening of conscience (satori), that Mikao Usui called ‘dai an shin’ or ‘shin ritsumei’. This can be translated as ‘The meaning of existence is to be at great peace in the heart-spirit (dai an shin) and to fully realise the spiritual sense of one’s life on earth (ritsumei). One of Mikao Usui’s great hopes was that Reiki would help people to obtain enlightenment, true happiness and spiritual wisdom.
The Five Precepts should not only be used as affirmations. They are ideals for living and encourage spiritual balance. By applying them consistently we ensure we live a happy and harmonious life. Teachers and practitioners alike will find they benefit enormously if they consciously incorporate the precepts into every aspect of their day-to-day lives. Living in this way is a crucial part of the Reiki experience if a healing is to have a lasting effect. The practitioner should commit to self-improvement on a daily basis, thus healing the spirit, just as the client must accept responsibility for his or her own well-being. It is quite simple once you begin to understand how interconnected we all are.
The principals are founded upon a deep understanding of non-separation, of universal love and unlimited compassion, not only for ourselves but for the natural world and the whole of the society we live in. We are each a unique expression of this oneness, and whilst we are individuals we are nevertheless intertwined.
The precepts are not without considerable responsibility. They invite us to take a long, hard look at ourselves, to understand and accept ourselves, to be mindful, ethical and to take responsibility for our thoughts and actions. As we uplift our way of thinking we begin to cultivate an overall sense of well-being and are better able to contribute to the greater whole. With the five precepts Mikao Usui was helping people to understand that without modifying conscience there could never be a true healing.
"The secret art of inviting happiness through many blessings, the spiritual medicine for all illness.
Just for today
Do not anger
Do not worry
Be grateful
Be honest in your work
Be compassionate to yourself and others
Mornings and evenings sit in the gassho position and repeat these words out loud and in your heart for the improvement of mind and body."
Usui Spiritual Healing Method - The Founder - Mikao Usui